Equipped With:
- DMG Mori NTX2500/1500 Gen II
- Celos ERGOline Touchscreen (Fanuc 31iB5) CNC Control
- Milling Spindle - CAPTO C6 - 20,000 rpm
- Y Axis (Milling Spindle & Lower Turret)
- Sub Spindle
- Lower Turret
- LNS Quick Load Servo 80 S2 Bar Feeder
- LNS Chip Blaster (Model JV-80T CYC)
- Mist Blaster
- Renishaw RMP600
- Tool Presetter
- Workpiece Unloader Spindle 2
- Spindle 1 & 2 - ATS A8-S30TL Colllet Chuck
- Chip Conveyor
- Coolant Tank
- Spindle Chiller
- 3D quickSET
The DMG Mori NTX2500/1500 is an exclusive part of our Lathes (3-Axis or More) inventory which we own and service. We're the international CNC specialists with the best guarantee in the industry.