If you own a manufacturing business, then your operation is undoubtedly dependent on one or more CNC machines that perform a number of functions that are key to the success of your business. As such, it’s important to make sure that your CNC machines are prepared to get the job done when you need them to. When one of more machines breaks down, it can cost business owners thousands of dollars in unmet shipments and wasted hours. Therefore, it’s easy to see the importance of taking the time to perform routine maintenance checks on your machines to ensure that they are prepared to run as they should and to eliminate the possibility of a production shutdown.
Daily Maintenance
At the end of your production day, run the following checks and tests to ensure that your machine will be ready to perform the following day.
- Test the hydraulic fluid and make sure the hydraulic and chuck pressures are at the right level
- Check the lube level and replenish if needed
- If your CNC machine has a cooling system, be sure to check those levels
- Remove any chips from the chip pan and grease parts that look dry
- Wipe down all surfaces
6 Month Maintenance
Twice a year, it’s important to have your CNC machine inspected by a specialist who will run more extensive tests and identify any potential threats to the system. During your bi-annual maintenance appointment, the specialist will perform tests such as the following:
- Clean the coolant tank and remove any sludge, chips, or oil
- Remove and clean the chuck and jaws
- Drain and replace the hydraulic oil
- Replace the line and suction filters
- Clean the radiator and align the radiator fins
- Drain and refill the cooling unit, if applicable
- Ensure that the machine is level
- Inspect wipers and replace any that have been damaged
Yearly Maintenance
Once a year, you should hire a specialist to perform tests that, if you’ve been keeping up with regular maintenance, should be a simple way to ensure that your machine is running smoothly. During your yearly appointment, the specialist will perform the following tasks:
- Check the headstock for tapering
- Check the spindle for radial and end play
- Inspect the chuck cylinder for run-out
- Check the tailstock for tapering
- Check the turret parallelism and inclination
- Run a backlash program to determine if the X and Z axis need adjusting
- Adjust the X and Y axis gibs if necessary.
No matter what type of manufacturing business you operate, performing regular tests and checks on your CNC machines will ensure that they run well enough to keep up with your customers’ demands. To learn more about CNC machines or to purchase a CNC machine for your business, contact Tramar Industries today!